Thursday, 18 April 2013

Teenagers... That pretty much sums it up...

I have come to the epic conclusion that if you ever want to become a model/actress/perfectionist/grammer nazi/comedian/organiser/counsellor/mediator/Yoda.... become a high school teacher.

You have to imagine it, we are on view, everyday, to a class of 30 odd children who scrutinise our every move, from the clothes we wear, to the one word that we spell wrong on the board. My students have decided that it is their calling in life to tell me exactly WHAT they love about what I wear each day, and what they DON'T like ("Seriously Miss, are those shoes COMFORTABLE?" "Um, yeah" "Ohhh, okay, I guess if they're comfortable it doesn't matter if they don't match"... OUCH), so much so that in the morning I no longer think 'Hmmm, what would I like to wear today', instead I find myself asking 'what can my kids find wrong in my outfit'.

 I may just start wearing really outrageous outfits to work, merely to see what they will say... You never know, I could set the newest fashion trend... Or they'll send me straight to the nearest mental institution... At the rate I'm going, I may end up there sooner than I thought.

 I must say, it can be a rather big ego boost, but I'm not there to be their personal model. But hey, anything to distract their hormone crazed minds from the actual lesson! Greek gods forbid that we actually do WORK for once!!  The shock, the horror of it all, that we actually go to school to LEARN!! Whatever will they think of next!! *swoooooooon*

No one ever said this job would be easy, but boy do I get some good laughs out of it.  

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